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Screen NETS is an on the job training programme recruiting new entrants from all over Scotland for technical, production and design roles in high-end TV and film.

Our ethos is to open doors for those who can’t break into the industry due to barriers faced, have no friends or family in the business or the financial means to establish themselves as a new entrant. Many of today’s industry practitioners have come through the programme and continue to support new trainees each year with placements and mentoring.

Trainees are recruited for 9 months to work across a range of feature film and TV drama and are paid the Real Living Wage with support and guidance throughout. We are about to start recruitment for our 2023 programme, please see below.

Screen Training Alliance Code of Practice

We are a proud member of the Screen Training Alliance Scotland and we’re introducing a new, shared Code of Practice across all of our work to promote fairness, respect and openness. Screen Training Alliance Scotland (STAS) is a partnership of industry-based training providers with a strategic approach to the skills development of Scotland’s screen sector. The members of the Alliance are: BECTU Vision, Film City Futures, NFTS Scotland, Screen NETS and TRC. 

Code of Practice link

2023 Screen NETS Recruitment

We will start to recruit late January for our next Screen NETS programme – 9 months training for 10 trainees.  The programme aims to start in late March.

Please watch this space for our launch date or get in touch to be added to our mailing list to receive news of our launch, stating the department you would like to apply for.  For mailing list, please contact 

Catherine Aitken, Screen NETS Training Manager on


Production Companies Planning Trainee Needs

If you are a production company planning your needs for trainees or other new entrant training we can help you with your plans to access Screen NETS trainees or to develop your own programme. 

Please get in touch with 

Kay Sheridan, Screen NETS Programme Manager at


Screen NETS Industry Training is funded by Screen Scotland in partnership with Screen Academy Scotland/Edinburgh Napier University.



Programme Manager – Kay Sheridan –

Delivery Manager – Catherine Aitken –


Twitter: @ScreenNETS