This year students from across the The School of Arts & Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier University have been working with the National Museum of Scotland on challenging work related to learning projects as part of the NMS’s forthcoming Rip It Up exhibition on pop music in Scotland. Students from BA Television and BA Film have been researching and finding music fans from across the country with interesting stories to tell of their passion for music and attending gigs. From memories of concerts at Glasgow’s Barrowlands & King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut to queuing for hours at the Usher Hall, the students have documented music fans’ tales for the exhibition which will open in June 2018.
Research and development was carried out by 4th yr BA TV students on TV Work Based Learning and Community Media modules, with filming by teams on 3rd yr BA Film’s Work Related Learning module. Former student Nas Saraei was asked to join the team as a graduate producer, overseeing the projects and supporting the students. For Robyn Hannah, a 3rd year English and Film student the project gave her a taste of working as a runner, “Working towards a brief helped to give us a sense of responsibility and tackling that together, as a small team, was a lot of fun. It really encouraged us to communicate openly with each other – everyone’s opinion was valid!”
As well as the fans’ films The School of Arts & Creative Industries ID (Interdisciplinary) Agency was formed as a response to a creative brief set by the NMS to attract more 16- 24 year old visitors to the exhibition and associated events. The agency, made up of students from our Television, Journalism, Graphic Design, Popular Music, Photography and CAPR courses, was tasked with devising and creating multi-media content for a promotional campaign. ‘Future Features’ includes music videos, photography, posters, social media clips, branding and interviews and will be rolled out prior to and during the exhibition in June 2018.
The projects were focused on embedding learning through the process of research and production, and for a prestigious and exacting client with a local and international audience. For sound recordist and 3rd yr BA Film student, Helen Clocherty, “…it was a really intense experience but incredibly worthwhile…. The experience has made me confident that I could fit in well professionally as part of a sound team.”
Lindsay Morgan, Placements Co-ordinator for The School of Arts and Creative Industries has been instrumental in coordinating these opportunities for students which are a vital part of the University’s Academic Strategy 2020, “It’s been a fantastic opportunity working with NMS on the various projects and WRL activities linked to our Rip it Up collaboration. Over 30 students have benefitted from work placements and/or active learning experiences and we have been able to be innovative in trying new models of work-related learning.”
National Museum of Scotland’s exhibition, Rip It Up: The Story of Scottish Pop Opens June 21st/
Look out for the Napier students’ work at the exhibition from 22 June – 25 November 2018.