The short film Without (2019), written, directed and produced by Screen Academy Scotland MA Screenwriting graduate Anna Kumacheva (aka Enni Red), continues its international film festival journey. An independent dance drama that is a Russian/British/Canadian co-production, Without tells the story of a young ballerina facing problems in both her personal and professional life who loses herself in depression.
The world premiere of Without premiered on Sept 21st in New York City as part of the Sound And Vision International Film & Technology Festival where it was awarded a Bronze Award. Without had its UK premiere in Manchester as a part of the Filmed Up Festival and was also screened at the Thessaloniki Cinedance International festival in Greece, the International Mental Health Film Festival in Portugal and was recently nominated for the Crystal Pine Award for the Best Original Score for a short film, at the International Sound & Film Music Festival in Croatia.
On October 24th Without had its Scottish premiere in Edinburgh at the Edinburgh Short Film Festival where it screened in the opening night strand Out of Frame which took place at the Edinburgh Filmhouse. Anna Kumacheva (Enni Red) is currently in development of her new short film Transgressing (as writer/producer) which is going to be a proof of concept for her first British feature film.