For 6 months Clidna Soraghan  worked as a Graduate Trainee at Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University. Her role as Media Promotion Coordinator at Screen Academy Scotland was devised in response to Creative Skillset’s (Screen Academy’s key external funding body) request to develop a clearer legacy of The Screen Academy’s activities and impacts.  

“It’s been such a privilege to work at The Screen Academy. Over the last six months I‘ve captured some really interesting masterclasses, interviewed alumni, caught up with graduates on work placements, attended screenings, and watched lots of great student films!

The tight connection between The Screen Academy and the industry is apparent. For example, the latest Screen NETS programme which finished up in Jan 2014 provided up to 20 weeks of paid work experience for new entrants to the film and TV industry.  

Collaboration is encouraged across all levels, coupled with nearly half of the post-graduate students being foreign -it’s a real hub of creativity and a melting pot of film styles.

During my brief time here, graduates of The Screen Academy picked up two Sundance awards for best short (Marcin Knyziak, Love, Love, Love) and (Martin Clark, Exchange & Mart), an International Documentary Association award for best cinematography (Chico Pereira and Julian Schwanitz, Pablo’s Winter) and an Oscar nomination for best short documentary (Sara Ishaq, Karama Has No Walls). I think this goes to show the level of expertise delivered by the staff and support team and I hope the legacy of Screen Academy’s work is long recognised. 

As an avid documentary fan, a highlight for me was attending masterclasses at the Scottish Documentary Institute, including that of Jeremy Weller’s insight into the production of Limboland, or Emma Davie’s screening of the BAFTA award winning “I Am Breathing”.

Best of luck to all the students,
