

Alejandra Meneses Audeves


Since graduating from the MA Screenwriting programme at Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier, I have come back home to Mexico to regroup. I am currently revising my Major Project script to submit it to PAGE International Competition (I have already submitted to Pipeline), and in order to have it ready to go around by mid-January, when I will be focusing my energy on contacting production companies and agencies in Mexico, the US and Canada.

My experience at Napier was fantastic. The school gave me not only the preparation that I needed to work in the real world — with encouragement of the creative aspects of screenwriting but also the knowledge of the production and legal aspects — but most importantly the validation and the confidence I needed to get my scripts out there. Added to that was the chance to meet some of the most wonderful people in my classmates and also the lecturers and tutors, and the city itself is a wonderful added bonus.