

Darrel Kirk-Lambert


While a student at Screen Academy Scotland Darrel had work experience on Outlander at their Cumbernauld studios. He also worked as a runner for The Network Talent Programme during the Edinburgh Television Festival 2017.  After graduating Darrel Lambert was offered a job at Icon Films in Bristol as the Production Department Assistant. In January 2019 Darrel was promoted and now holds the position of Junior Production Coordinator at Icon Films. In this role Darrel worked on Jeremy Wade’s Dark Waters for Animal Planet and then moved on to work on a series for National Geographic.

Darrel says:
“I choose Screen Academy Scotland as a place where I could develop my skills further. As one of only 3 Film Academies in the UK, Screen Academy offered links to the industry, mentoring programmes, regular masterclasses with industry professionals, industry standard equipment and excellent professional development tutors. SAS equipped with me direct skills gained while creating our short films throughout the year. These skills are now being used on a daily basis in my new role at Icon Films” 

Instagram: @dkirklambert 