Andros, an ambitious short film by students from the Kinoeyes master’s programme at Edinburgh Napier University is currently in pre-production and preparing to shoot on the island of Easdale, Scotland in January. Easdale is one of the Slate Islands in the Firth of Lorne. Once at the centre of the Scottish slate industry, it is now home to a small community of approximately 50 people. Easdale proved perfect for the shoot, as it has the required impression of remoteness, and the contrast of its pristine white houses and black slate rocks are a cinematographic dream.

Prep is going well; the film is in its crowdfunding stage, casting is nearly finished, and the crew is preparing for a cold, Scottish, January shoot. The film is helmed by producer Marie-Luise Scharf, from Germany, and director Doris Tääker, from Estonia. The screenplay written by Tom Butcher Cury, from Brazil, tells the story of an androgynous teenage girl who must hide the fact that she’s different from the other women to remain in their matriarchal society. A love story, Andros deals with themes of gender identity, belonging, and young love.

For more information about the film, see the Andros Facebook page:

Kinoeyes is a two year European Masters degree in film, funded by Erasmus + and run as a partnership between Lusofona University in Lisbon (Portugal), the Baltic Film and Media School at Tallinn University (Estonia) and Screen Academy Scotland at Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland/UK).

For information on Kinoeyes: