Fantastic news that Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier MA Film graduation film Candeline was among 5 winning short films at the Glasgow Short Film Festival Film Schools Day which took place on March 14th. Reece Cargan, producer and Sean Geddes editor of Candeline were on hand to pick up the award – a licence for Final Draft 11 software. Other winners were two animations from Edinburgh College of Art and a documentary from the University of the West of Scotland.

The final list of winners was:

Laundromat, Director Madeleine Sayers, Edinburgh College of Art
Prize: 2 day sound dub from Arteus Post Production

Candeline (Birthday Candles), Director Asia Gamzatova, Edinburgh Napier University/Screen Academy Scotland
Prize: Licence for Final Draft 11 software

Cleaning in Progress, Director Grand Holden, Edinburgh College of Art
Prize: Freakworks 1 day grade

We Jump and Prixt (We Disappear), Director Maitane Hernandez-Eyheramonho, UWS Creative Media Academy
Prize: £750 worth equipment hire from Media Dog

Special Mention: Short Changed, Director Zoe Hutber, Edinburgh College of Art.

In partnership with the Creative Media Network Scotland and the University of the West of Scotland Creative Media Academy this was the second annual Film Schools Day held at Glasgow Short Film Festival. In the course of the day students of five Scottish institutions presented their work to one another, and to an international industry panel, who offered immediate feedback.  Awards were presented at the end of the day. The day was a unique opportunity for Scottish film students to meet their peers and learn from one another’s work.

The panellists were Sarah Dombrink (Acquisition Manager for interfilm Short Film Sales & Distribution, Berlin), Leslie Hills (producer, Skyline Productions, Edinburgh) and Wouter Jansen (festival strategy and distribution, Some Shorts, Nijmegen). The Panel was hosted by GSFF Industry Coordinator Emma Van Der Putten.

The institutions that took part were Edinburgh College of Art (BA and MA Animation) Edinburgh College of Art (MFA Film Directing), Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (BA Filmmaking), Edinburgh Napier University/Screen Academy Scotland (BA and MA Film), University of the West of Scotland Creative Media Academy (BA and MA Filmmaking).

Many thanks to Cameron Strachan for his help in securing these prizes.

The Creative Media Network Scotland is a collaboration between Scotland’s colleges and universities, marking new beginnings in the relationship between creative media industries operating in film, broadcast and digital media and Scotland’s colleges and universities. The network offers a learning and skills infrastructure and aims to ensure there is a continuing talent pipeline into Scotland’s screen, broadcast and digital industry.