Fantastic news that Donna a three minute short film by current students on the MA Film and MA Screenwriting courses at Screen Academy Scotland has been accepted to Edinburgh International Film Festival 2019, screening in the New Visions Competition at the Filmhouse on Saturday 29th June (Tickets are sold out). Donna, a musical, tells a story inspired by Mozart’s Don Giovanni, only with a feminist facelift.

Donna was created as part of the MA Film course with Lucie Tremolieres (MA Film, Directing) and Lisa Herbers (MA Film, Producing) teaming up with an ambitious plan to produce a musical on a shoestring budget. As fans of the form they had curated an in depth reference list and mood board before reaching out to the MA Screenwriting student Emma Ramsay to write the piece. Collaborating across the MA Screenwriting and the MA Film courses was a hugely beneficial process for all allowing the director and producer to gain experience in the development process while giving the writer invaluable experience bringing someone else’s ideas to life. Notes, critical or otherwise, were passed freely and honestly between the three which made for a productive and respectful atmosphere. The process was so successful that they are collaborating again this trimester, with Lisa producing a 10’ graduation film written by Emma and one written and directed by Lucie.

Emma says of the project:

“We had many rewrites and relentless tweaks but Lisa, Lucie and I were always on the same journey with the same goal in mind. It was a smashing experience, so supportive, creative and full of joy. It’s been a pleasure to be part of the team/crew and we’ve made something we are dead proud of.”