

Congratulations to the five filmmakers selected by Scottish Film Talent Network as part of their FIVE @5 FOR WOMEN Programme. The scheme supports 5 female directors based in Scotland through the completion of their 5 minute shorts. Each filmmaker will be awarded a £5000 bursary toward the production of their films as well as bespoke mentoring and support.

The five filmmakers include actress Maryam Hamidi who will direct her first film Bloody Love; BAFTA-nominated documentary director Lou McLoughlan (graduate Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh College of Art) who will direct her first fiction film Ackerman’s Fasach, Gaynor Macfarlane, an established radio director, will direct her first short film The Hide, artist filmmaker Rosie Toner who will direct I am not, in support of her first feature film; and social worker turned author Sara Jane Kirkwood who will make her directorial debut with Damned Dolls