


The List transforms the intimacy of live theatre directly onto the big screen. In 2013, theatre company Stellar Quines set out to discover how a mid scale theatre company could reach a larger audience in the cinema, something big players like the Met Opera have had conspicuous success with but which, until now, has been beyond the reach of Scottish theatre companies. Restaging their award-winning Edinburgh Festival Fringe production The List, Stellar Quines commissioned BAFTA-winning film director Morag McKinnon to work alongside stage director Muriel Romanes and actress Maureen Beattie to produce a cinema version of the play. Their aim was to create a filmed experience that didn’t compromise the live-ness and intimacy of the actor’s relationship with an audience.The List will screen at Glasgow Short Film FEStival on the 15th of March at 13.00 at CCA.

The support of a  Business Innovation Exchange with Napier University secured a Scottish Funding Council Innovation Follow on Voucher which resourced further support from the Institute for Creative Industries / Screen Academy Scotland. This enabled Robin MacPherson, Director of the Institute for Creative Industries, to become executive producer for the film, which was produced in association with the Institute/Screen Academy Scotland.

Robin Macpherson also produced and directed a half hour documentary Filming The List which was edited by Sitar Rose, online edited by Screen Academy alumnus Karel Dolak and mixed by staff member Ross Buchanan.

This screening of the film at Glasgow Short Film Festival will be followed by a discussion between theatre and filmmakers about the opportunities for collaboration between these two art forms. Robin Macpherson will join Muriel Romanes, Maureen Beattie along with other filmmakers to be confirmed.