We are very pleased to announce that Perfect Worlds, A.J. Sykes MFA Advanced Film Practice graduation film  will have its UK premiere on the 16th of February 2018 at the London International Filmmaker Film Festival of World Cinema where it is also nominated for Best Short Film and Best Original Screen Play. Last year along side the 13 nominations Perfect Worlds received, Molly Mae Paterson won  Best Supporting Actress at the Berlin International Filmmakers Festival of World Cinema. Mori Christian also picked up the Best Actress in a Short film award in December at Milan International Film Festival.
At Berlin International Filmmakers Festival of World Cinema, Perfect Worlds was also nominated for Best Sound Design, Best Cinematography in a short, Best Original Screenplay for a short and New Talented Filmmaker.  
Additionally Perfect Worlds has been nominated for best Science Fiction Short at the MCN International Film Festival in Detroit, has screened at the Roswell Science Fiction Festival and was nominated for Best Short at the Move Me Film Festival in Belgium. It was also a semi finalist at the Hot Springs Film Festival in America.