

Taking a closer look at the sound specialism within the MA Film Programme. This focuses on the teaching for candidates interested in developing their career in location sound recording and postproduction design. The teaching is delivered as a dual discipline with the assessed practical elements of MA Film amounting to 60% of the course and the remaining 40% devoted to academic assessment. Link to the course page.

Sound students will gain a strong foundation in the technical aspects of location sound production, post-production and sound design. The course provides all the tools to develop a deep appreciation of the creative process including training in location recording and editing techniques. Students will gain an understanding of acoustics and signal processing as well as training in Avid Pro Tools. Students will develop a grounding in industry standard workflows for sound in the digital domain and explore an exciting theory programme which underpins best practice.

At Edinburgh Napier University’s Screen Academy we have state of the art facilities and equipment including Sound Devices recorders/mixers, an array of industry standard microphones, fully equipped edit suites and a Dolby Atmos Certified dubbing suite with a bespoke S6 control surface. Our lecturers are industry practitioners, ready to support and inspire creative ambition and technical learning, so our students can do their best work, producing a strong portfolio providing an opportunity to produce a strong portfolio in preparation for a career in sound whether in Scotland, UK or overseas.