Our MA Film and Screenwriting students have just graduated after a busy summer with their final scripts and graduation films. They have also worked with Kay Sheridan on the Professional Practice programme and will continue to do so for several months after graduation to assist with their career plans and seeking employment.
Some Professional Practice activity and resulting employment includes:
- Alex Dunford , MA Film Editing has been working freelance as an Edit Assistant for Arteus Post Production in Glasgow
- MA Production graduate, Reece Cargan, has recently started work as Production Trainee for 12 weeks on Sigma Films new feature Directed by Michael Caton Jones.
- MA Editing graduate, Caitlin Delves, has recently started a 3 month contract as Runner/Junior Editor at Post Production House, Arteus in Glasgow
- Matthew Ifeoluwa Akinpelu, MA Film Production and Froydis Moe, MA Film Directing both worked as Festival Stewards at Edinburgh International TV Festival (EITVF) in August.
- 3 Screen Academy students Martyna Blaszczyk, Sunrise Ishimwe and Hazel Allen were selected for the EITVF’s prestigious talent programme The Network.
- 4 students were delegates for the 3 days of EITVF and 10 students attended the Michaela Coel MacTaggart Lecture.
Shown above: Martyna Blaszczyk, MA Screenwriting student, participant on The Network and MA Screenwriting graduate Aude Konan, industry delegate at the Edinburgh International Television Festival 2018