Great news that three students/graduates from Screen Academy Scotland and one from Edinburgh College of Art were winners at the inaugural Film Schools’ Day at Glasgow Short Film Festival on March 15th (delivered in partnership with Scottish Creative Media Network).

Vincent Förster (Screen Academy Scotland, ECA, MFA Film Directing) won first prize, Niamh McKeown, (Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier, BA Film 2017) won second prize and third prize went to Grant Holden (3rd year Edinburgh College of Art Animation). Glenn Whelan, (Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier, MA Film 2017) won a special mention.

Students of selected Scottish institutions, which are part of the Creative Media Network, including Screen Academy Scotland/Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh College of Art, Royal Conservatoire Scotland and the University of the West of Scotland) presented their work to an international industry panel, who offered immediate feedback and presented awards at the end of the day. Thirty films in total, ranging from 1 minute to 18 minutes in length, were screened on the day. The event was a unique opportunity for Scottish film students to meet their peers and learn from one another’s work. We were delighted that all Screen Academy Scotland students screening films were able to attend the daylong event.

The panelists included Jing Haase, Festival Manager for shorts and docs, Swedish Film Institute, Émilie Poirier, short film programmer and coordinator, Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, Montreal and Producer at Faction North, Grant Keir.

1st prize went to Vincent Förster (Screen Academy Scotland, ECA, MFA Film Directing) for his documentary Some of These Days. Prize: Two day sound booking at Post House Arteus.

2nd prize went to Niamh McKeown (Screen Academy Scotland,Edinburgh Napier,BA Film 2017) for Good Girls. Prize: £750 worth of kit hire for her next film from Media Dog rental company.

Panel comments on Good Girls:

“I really liked the film, It’s awesome, it has great production values. This is the type of film a Festival Programmer is searching for.” 
-Émilie Poirier Short Film Programmer and Co-ordinator at Festival Du Nouveau Cinema- Montreal

“It had great energy and entertained me all the way through.”
-Jing Hasse Festival Manager for Shorts and Docs at Swedish Film Institute

“I’m still over the moon about the award!”
-Niamh  McKeown, filmmaker

3rd Prize went to Grant Holden (3rd year Edinburgh College of Art Animation) for his animation Abby  Prize: One day grade at Freakworks

Special Mention went to Glenn Whelan (Screen Academy Scotland, Edinburgh Napier, MA Film 2017) the director of The Gurney. Prize: having a poster designed and made for this film or his next from Loxley Colour

Panel comments on The Gurney:

“Her performance was the best I’ve seen today, The film was very good, the music was tonally correct, and the subject socially relevant.”
-Grant Keir, Producer at Faction North

“Performances great, well directed.”
-Jing Hasse Festival Manager for Shorts and Docs at Swedish Film Institute

“It was a brilliant day and great chance to see some of the high quality films coming out of the other schools.”
-Glenn Whelan, filmmaker

Creative Media Network: meeting the future skills needs of the screen, broadcast and digital media industry
The Creative Media Network is a collaboration of Scotland’s colleges and universities which marks “new beginnings” in the relationship between creative media industries operating in film, broadcast and digital media and Scotland’s colleges and universities. The network offers a learning and skills infrastructure and aims to ensure there is a continuing talent pipeline into Scotland’s screen, broadcast and digital industry.

The Creative Media Network works with industry to promote a mutual understanding of respective asks, needs and offers, ensuring that college and university staff members are able to access continuing professional development and that routes into the industry are understood and communicated.
The network will ensure more informed decisions by students – promoting the different pathways – “learner journeys” – that individuals can undertake to find about more about working in, and securing employment in, the creative media industries.